
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

|FAT| Toronto Alternative Arts & Fashion Week

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 |FAT| Toronto Alternative Arts & Fashion Week

APRIL 25, 2010  
11AM – 5PM   

|FAT| Toronto Alternative Arts & Fashion Week, concludes it’s 5th year anniversary by presenting |FAT| Market. |FAT| Market is an industry viewing and designer sample sale that looks to promote the inventive fashions of the festival. It is a timely extension of |FAT|’s mandate to connect emerging designers with industry, media and the public. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED INVITE FOR INDUSTRY VIEWING 
Industry professional are invited for viewing of collections to have at meeting designers and viewing their collections.
|FAT| Market also welcomes the public for a buying opportunity. With 18 designers collections, the public will be able to purchase items hot off the runway.
|FAT| Market is a much needed venue to generate a dialogue between designer and potential clients. It is a platform to translate the innovative catwalk shows into opportunities for production, advertising work and magazine editorials. The Market is a great way for these creative artists to promote their company and build commercial prospects by furthering brand awareness and increasing public interest.
|FAT| Market will feature 20 national and international designers from the 2010 |FAT| lineup, including Kirsty McKenzie, Felicia Burke, Dayna Philips, Dystropolis, youth.inAsia, Fashion Whore, William Pointon, Jessica Mary Clayton, Avendano, Paria Lambina, Sans Soucie, Taessa Chorny, Aimee Tobolka, One Of Us Swimwear, Anúna by Tami & Lubica, Jasper Garvida, Romandin and Melow par Mélissa Bolduc.
* Source: Kevin Joubert |FAT| MARKET

Fashion industry remains strong

Fashion industry remains strong

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Off site designer shows

News over in the Toronto fashion scene has been that various designers have hosted their shows off site.

From Philip Sparks (who also showed earlier this month at MFW), to Jeremy Laing, Sunny Fong, Greta Constantine, Nada Shepherd and more, they have all taken their runways away from the LG main roof.

Should this trend continue?

In other major cities that host Fashion Weeks, it is quite common, yet the shows are still considered as part of the week's schedule and program. It's not to say that there aren't shows that re hosted during the week and aren't part of the program, that statement is also true, but we are mainly referring to main clients of the fashion week, those designers that are regulars to the scene.

I wouldn't see why there would be sanctioning towards such designers that chose to host their runway off site...in fact, I feel it adds more colour and elements to the main event, making it more versatile and exciting. If Paris, London, NYC and even Montreal do it, why should Toronto be opposed??

Friday, April 2, 2010

Zoran Dobric F/W 2010 @ LGFW

Zoran Dobric (pronounced Dobrich, as I have learned from the announcer) showcased his collection on March 30th.

World-renowned fashion journalist Jeanne Becker praised Zoran’s work for its artistry and edginess in the past and I very much enjoyed it on the runway...you really have to see it to understand it.

He had exclusive art inspired prints and graphics were developed and combined with detailing to create innovative shapes making his garments unique, versatile and timeless.

Greys, blacks and browns were all there but splashed with some turquoise.

Men wore harem pants combined with vests and with "bubbled" trapèze-shaped t-shirts outfitted the models. Women were dressed in trapèze dresses, some cinched with belts, other left loose and few covered with overcoats to bring back the winter feeling to the silky fabric of choice, a contrast to all the furs we have been seeing on the runways this past month.

Zippers, buckle appliqués and larger than life paper clips accessorized the runway.

View more pictures.

* Source: Images from George Pimentel.