World-renowned fashion journalist Jeanne Becker praised Zoran’s work for its artistry and edginess in the past and I very much enjoyed it on the really have to see it to understand it.
He had exclusive art inspired prints and graphics were developed and combined with detailing to create innovative shapes making his garments unique, versatile and timeless.
Greys, blacks and browns were all there but splashed with some turquoise.
Men wore harem pants combined with vests and with "bubbled" trapèze-shaped t-shirts outfitted the models. Women were dressed in trapèze dresses, some cinched with belts, other left loose and few covered with overcoats to bring back the winter feeling to the silky fabric of choice, a contrast to all the furs we have been seeing on the runways this past month.
Zippers, buckle appliqués and larger than life paper clips accessorized the runway.
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* Source: Images from George Pimentel.
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